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Windows: How to cofigure logon USB and/or Phone

How to configure Rohos Logon so you can choose if you want to logon with only your Phone or USB. Seems that at the moment you can only choose one but not both.
At the moment I'm using my Phone to logon, but would like to be able to logon with my USB flash drive to in case I forget my phone.

Rova, 19.03.2015, 09:16
Response from the site administrator
teslineinc, 19.03.2015
Dear customer,
Yes, Rohos Logon Key for Windows now lets you to log in only with one type of hardware key. In future we'll add a possibility to use different types of keys at the same time.
Idea status: under consideration


Rova, 20.03.2015, 12:54
Thanks for the quick response, eagerly waiting for this update.

Keep up the good work.
Dandy, 12.08.2016, 10:23
can you told us, when this feature will be included in the future?
I wait more than a year of this feature :-)
teslineinc, 15.08.2016, 10:53
Dear customer,
We are working now with this. Hope, it will be soon. This year we'll add it with two types of keys.
Rat Brahoo, 23.03.2017, 13:09
It's 2017. A new year! Can't wait untill the option use both USB-key and Android app/phone option will be released.. It is already possible using KeyLock. But i prefer Rohos way way more than all other USB-Key kinda software. So, Keep up the good work and make us even more happy very soon :)
teslineinc, 23.03.2017, 14:28
Thank you, it is in progress...

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