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how to move folders out of Rohos disk?

I have encrypted some folders and files (eg. Onedrive, videos, etc) into a
Rohos disk. I have folders I like to take out Rohos disk again. This so I
don't need to connect to the Rohos disk to get access to those folders. How
do I do that?

Vidar , 22.04.2016, 10:22
Response from the site administrator
teslineinc, 22.04.2016
Dear customer,
In case, you use Rohos Disk or Rohos Mini, you must cut them and paste in non-encrypted place.
In case, you use Rohos Portable, you must select them and export to Desktop.
Idea status: under consideration


Vidar, 22.04.2016, 10:25
They are under a folder named "symlinks".

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